Physiotherapy and Kinesiology

Physiotherapy Treatment | Summary

Designed to facilitate recovery, physiotherapy treatment is the science around helping people adversely affected by injury, illness or disability. This is achieved via movement and exercise, manual therapy and education.

Physiotherapy Treatment Plans

At Better Body, we offer an extensive physiotherapy treatment program. Following a comprehensive physical assessment, our Physiotherapists will develop a treatment plan. Components of this plan can include hands-on mobilization, stretching and strengthening exercises, aerobic fitness and electromodalities. Examples of modality treatment include: therapeutic ultrasound, interferential current, laser, paraffin wax and/or TENS and hot/cold therapy. Regardless of your situation, rest assured – every treatment plan is customized to your specific needs.

Kinesiology Treatment Plans

Our Registered Kinesiologist/Physiotherapy Assistants, experts in human body movement, work alongside the physiotherapists to create specific exercise programs aligned with your fitness level. On top of receiving best-in-class treatment, you will be using our fitness equipment for your physical rehabilitation program. This includes commercial grade Precor and LifeFitness strength and cardio equipment such as treadmills, recumbent and upright stationary bikes, elliptical machines as well as exercise balls, medicine balls, exercise bands, TRX suspension trainer, resistance tubing, free weights, etc.

Common Disorders | Repetitive Strain Injuries or Cumulative Trauma Disorders

With today’s hectic lifestyles, we are often too busy to realize that we actually contribute to our health issues. For example, many of our everyday aches and pains are a result of repetitive motions that are a part of our daily routine.

Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) or Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTD) occur when a muscle, tendon or ligament has been overworked. By not allowing adequate time for the affected muscle, tendon or ligament to heal before using it, can result in increased pain and weakness. This cycle creates inflammation, microtears in muscles and musclotendinous insertions, scar tissue and fibrous adhesions, tenderness to touch and reduced function. Common CTD conditions include: carpal tunnel syndrome, neck/shoulder myofacial pain syndrome, rotator cuff sprain, tennis or golfer’s elbow tendinitis and back pain. Our physiotherapists will identify the primary causes of pain you experience along with any compensation patterns that may exist. For instance, pain caused by overuse of your left arm as a result of injury to your right arm.

Initial Assessment
Subsequent Visit
Pelvic Physiotherapy Initial Assessment
Pelvic Physiotherapy Subsequent Visit

*Pelvic Physiotherapy available at Scarborough location only

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